Tuesday, December 20, 2011

My day after school

After school today I and some friends are going to Subway. I will probably get two subs one with chicken lettuce cheese and mayo, and the other with steak and cheese. I will get a bag of chips and a cookie along with a drink, probably coke. After that I will go put some gas in my car because I am running low on fuel. Next I will drop some of my friends off at school, while me and my friend Drew will go to my basketball trainer and shoot around for a little while. We will probably do some kind of shooting drill or ball handling drill to get us warmed up for our rivalry game tonight at 6 pm. Once we are done shooting, we will head back to the school to get ready to leave on the bus to the other school. WE will sit together on the bus and listen to some music like we always do before away games. Once we get to the game we will go to the locker room and get dressed. After that we will stretch then head out to do our pregame warm-ups. We will do layups and jump shots on the left and right side and then do a 3-2 drill before heading to the locker rooms. Once we go to the locker room the coach will talk to us about the game, then we will head back out onto the court and warm up a little more before game time.

My day so far

Today I accidently slept in an extra 30 minutes so I was rushing to get ready after I woke up. I was super tired and could not get motivated, and then I ate like 3 bowls of cereal and had some orange juice which had me ready for the day. I took a shower and got myself ready for school. I went outside and started my car and left to pick up my friend Beau and I dropped him off at school before I went to school. As soon as I got to school I sat down with my friends Noah, Drew, Matt, and Hayden. I got some breakfast at school and a Capri-sun. Next I walked up stairs to my locker and got all my stuff in my locker so that I could go to Geometry class. When I got there I remembered that I had a test. Luckily I was prepared for this test and I feel that I did pretty well on it. Next period I had Spanish and we learned about what Christmas and New Years are like in Peru. After that I went to world lit which has been interesting the last few days. We have been reading parts of Dante’s Inferno which I find really interesting and good to read. 4th period I had to go to my least favorite class of the day Native American studies. My group and I had to do a huge timeline in class. 5th period I went to U.S. studies and was bored to death. 6th Pd I had lunch and just hung out and talked. 7th Pd I took a hard test in biology but I feel I did well on it. Now I am in 8th period writing this blog.

Monday, December 19, 2011

Gym Class

I think the most important class in school is gym class. In school we are barely ever active and gym class is sometimes the only time kids can be active. Gym class can help with coordination, athleticism, and team-building.
One thing I can’t stand is super uncoordinated people on sports teams. Gym class starting at a young age can build more and more coordination that will help create better high school athletes as well as better, more coordinated teams. Uncoordinated athletes will be more likely to get injured or force us to lose a game that we could have won with better coordination. I was very uncoordinated for a long time and playing different sports in gym class helped me become better coordinated.
Athleticism is probably the best thing that can come from gym class. In gym class if you are always running, jumping, and just being active, your athleticism is going to rise. If you are planning on being a basketball player, playing basketball in gym will help you grasp the game, get more athletic, and increase your skill depending on how hard you play and work.
Gym class helps with team building by making you play sports as a team everyday and learn to work well together with new people. This will help when kids get into Highschool and play on sports teams. Also this will help you work well with people outside of school.
These are my reasons that gym class is the most important class in the whole school system because it helps so many things.

Wednesday, December 14, 2011

controversy of homosexuality extra credit

There are always people who are all for gay rights and other people cant stand hearing about gay people. People who are for gay rights are typically gay or female, but me personally I think gay people should have the same rights as everyone as long as they are acting the same way in public as the non gay part of the nation. If people want to be gay then they should be allowed too, I think it is kind of gross in my opinion because guy with guy is weird because all I have ever known is heterosexuality. I really don't care if someone is gay as long as they aren't being outwardly homosexual around me. It doesn't bother me in anyway if they aren't being homosexual towards me.

On the other side some people are born into an anti-gay family where it is horribly wrong to be gay. Some people hate gay people so much and that's how fighting and wars start is over hating someone because they are different. Then there is the people who hate gays so much that they even kill or injure them.

Then on the Gay people side, they want to be just like everyone else, they want to marry who they want, date who they want, go where they want, and do what ever they want without fear of being made fun of or hurt or killed.

This is a little bit of the gay controversy.

Tuesday, December 13, 2011

Basketball game 2!

Tonight my team will be playing in the second game of the season. We lost our first game last week, so I hope we win tonight. As a team we have the ability to win every game we just have to play smarter and better together. Tonight I see us getting an easy win as long as we play together as a team and don't do a lot of stupid single person possessions. Northridge is not an amazing team so we should be able to beat them as long as we don't force things and take what we get. We need to keep our heads in the game because me personally got extremely mad during the last game and forced stupid shots. Last year we lost to this same team because we tried to do things by ourselves instead of as a team. I love basketball and I will put every bit of effort I can into getting us a win and I know a few other players will do the same.

Friday, December 9, 2011

First game tonight

I am so pumped about tonight's game because last year I barely ever got playing time, and I worked my butt off all summer and now I am a starter for JV. In our preview last week I scored 13 points, so I feel I am ready for tonight's game. My whole life is surrounded by basketball and nothing makes me happier, tonight is one of those things I live for. I plan on doing everything I can to get the team the win tonight, I will give it my all from start to finish and play as if it is my last game. I am ready to score at least 10 points and get as many assists and rebounds as I can. I trained all off season for tonight. Game time let's go team!

Wednesday, December 7, 2011

Rap Music

I like rap music and i hate when older people say that it sucks. People always talk about the music they like and don't like and rap seems to be the most controversial. Rap is usually made by gangsters and thugs, but they have interesting life stories that they rap about. Other rappers make songs that are just good to listen to when you are about to go play in basketball game or do anything else fun or athletic. I think everyone should have the choice to listen to whatever music they want. I hate when people like my dad get mad about what I listen too, just because a song talks about something illegal does not mean I am going to do it. A lot of other music genre's talk about way worse things then rap, but rap is always looked down upon because of the culture around it and how drugs and violence always seem to surround rappers. At least rappers are doing something with their life and not living on the streets or murdering and raping people. You hear more talk about how bad rap is than you do rapists and murderers.

Friday, December 2, 2011

My weekend.

This weekend will start off with basketball practice, then I will go home and eat alot of food. I will go to bed then wake up and go to practice. After that I will go to my basketball trainer, and to Johnstown's girls basketball game before heading to my grandma's house for her birthday. After that I will go home then to sleep. Last on Sunday I will go to work and then too youth group. before eating dinner and going to bed.

Thursday, December 1, 2011

Getting my license.

I should be getting my license tonight, I am so excited because now that I'll have my license, and have more freedom. I get to drive to school, work, and wherever else i want. This will be great to have my license.

Wednesday, November 30, 2011

Sleeping at school.

People fall asleep at school because it is boring, most of school is boring except lunch. At lunch you can eat and talk to friends the whole time. That is pretty much why we sleep at school.

Tuesday, November 29, 2011

Black Friday Shopping

Over break I went Black Friday shopping with my mom, her friend Melissa, my friends Cole, Emily, and Mel. We left at 7 pm to go to toys are us and wait until 10 to get in. We waited in line outside for about an hour until they started letting people in the store. By the that point I was ready to get my shopping started I ran in and got call of duty and Cole got madden. We waited in line to checkout for almost an hour. Once we were done there we went to Mcdonalds to grab a snack. Then we went to Kohl's and I got some clothes and a new razor. After that we went to Mcdonalds again to get some drinks and snacks. We went to my cousins around 2 am until 4 am before we went to the mall, where I got some new shorts and socks. After that we went to TJ Maxx where i bought headphones, socks, a shirt, and compression shorts. The last thing we did was go to Bob Evans for an amazing breakfast.

Tuesday, November 22, 2011

Tonights scrimmage

Tonight we have like a 2 hour bus ride to a school that we are playing. GHopefully the school is not that good because I don't want a long bus ride home from a loss. I think we can easily win if we play hard and don't give up. We have a good team and we play great together when we all have our heads in the game. Tonight should be a good scrimmage!

Monday, November 21, 2011

Sports training class.

Our school should have a sports training class where we would be able to get better at the individual sport of our choice. This class would help improve all of our sports teams because the kids that are really interested in a sport can put in individual time towards the aspects of their game they want to improve. I would do basketball training and spend most of the time on ball handling because that seems to be the worst part of my offensive game. Then for other kids like baseball players, could work on batting or pitching while football players can work on hitting and catching. All in al this class would help our schools athletics.

Thursday, November 17, 2011


Basketball is one of the most important things in my life, almost all of my free time is consumed by something that has to do with basketball. The game of basketball is so different than any other sport because there are so many things that you can do to get the ball into the hoop. It is one of the worlds most popular sports and the NBA has some of the worlds top athletes. I love basketball because it is non stop hard work and excitement. In my opinion basketball is one of the hardest sports because it takes so much practice to get good at every aspect of the game, most players never master a single aspect of the game. There are so many things that are happening every second of a basketball game that you are making split second decisions without even realizing that you are. You decide if you are going to shoot, pass, or dribble without realizing that you even thought about it, you just react to what you see.
On offense there are many thuings you have to be able to do. In basketball you have to learn plays so that you can score in a half court set up. You have to know ways to score in transition and when you need to pull the ball back out on top. You have to be able to throw good passes and see when you should throw a pass. You have to be able to drive the ball to the basket strong and score or get fouled which leads to foul shots. You have to be able to make foul shots, they are usually what wins games. Next you have to be able to shoot and score. There are many ways to score, you can score by making lay ups, dunks, jumpshots, runners, floaters, three point shots, and foul shots.
I love offense because I love the feeling of making a shot when a defender is playing some tight defense. Also it is fun to try new ways to get to the basket and score that I haven’t done before. I like it when I out score my defender or just flat out, outplay him the whole game. It is a great feeling when you are the leading scorer even in just a pickup game. Basketball, personally is the best sport ever created in my opinion.

Thursday, November 10, 2011


I really don't like school, it is so boring and I feel overwhelmed with work all the time then I don't get it all done. My grades would be way better if we had shorter class periods and I did not get put in classes that I don't want to be in. I hate not being able to pick out all my classes and then having homework all the time. I don't even have a study hall, study hall always helped me get all my work done but now my grades are lower because I have way less free time to do homework and get to bed at a decent time.

Tuesday, November 8, 2011

Some of my friends.

Today I am writing about some of my best friends Noah, Cole, Cameron, and Drew.
Noah and I have been friends for many years, we met in 5th grade when he moved to my school. He loves to play sports especially soccer and wrestling but he plays basketball with me a lot in the summer. He is great at soccer and so far is a two year letterman as a sophomore. He works very hard at the sports he plays. He is a great all around friend and is always willing to help someone if they need it. I can trust him with almost everything and he is just fun to be around.
Cole is probably my best friend and we have been friends since 4th grade. He knows just about everything about me, and has been there for me through everything. We hang out all the time and we got eachother’s backs in every possible situation. He runs cross country and wrestles. We play basketball a lot in the summer and do lots od other stupid stuff but we always have fun.
Cameron and I have been friends since I was in 7th grade, we met during basketball season, we aren’t real close friends but we both like basketball and he is pretty cool.
Drew and I becam friends last year when he moved back to my school as a freshman, he pl;ays baseball and basketball. Me and Drew are on the jv basketball team and love to play basketball. We haven’t really hung out much outside of school but now that we are on the same basketball team we will hang out a lot more. I am taking him to the mall in a few weeks so we can get shoes for the basketball season.

Friday, November 4, 2011

My friend Noah.

So my friend Noah was with me, going to my birthday party and we were listening to some music and a remix came on, Noah was like "Bobby loves remixes" and I said "you are dumb it's better than the original." Then Noah said he listens to Johnny Cash so I made fun of him about that because who listens to Johnny Cash anymore? No one does except Noah because he is lame. He tried to make fun of me all day but I was like your dumb bro you jam to Johnny Cash. But after that we had a pretty good day we went to Cici's pizza and then the mall, to get girls but Noah of course couldn't get any girls because he just attracts guys. So we left and went to the devil dog football game and then to my house for a bonfire with a bunch of friends, it was really cold so we went inside. So as a whole we had a good day .

Wednesday, November 2, 2011

NBA Lockout.

I think the NBA lockout is ridiculous, people want to see the NBA games, no one wants to miss out on the whole season. The NBA players should just take the 50/50 deal because they are going to lose more money if they don't play at all. The NBPA needs to be less narrow minded because they are stopping players from playing and fans from watching. If there is not an NBA season then people are not going to want to buy any NBA merchandise of any kind. I want the NBA lockout to end so I can go to some games and see how well the Indiana Pacers do this year.

Tuesday, November 1, 2011

Blogging class.

I like that blogging class is a good class but it is boring for me to write about a topic for 250 words or more i would love to have like 100 word posts on fridays that would be great. Blogging class is usually a fun class because we get a lot of freedom. I enjoy most of the class, but I can't stand long posts. It is really hard me to think of topics that I can write about that are 100% school appropriate.

Monday, October 31, 2011


My most memorable Halloween was when I was 10 because I went to cedar point for the whole day then stayed the night and went back the next day. It all started out as getting up early one day and my mom was like we are going to cedar point so pack your stuff. I got ready as fast as i could i was so excited because i had never been to cedar point before. It was a long car ride and i was extremely anxious. we arrived and I got in line for the 1st roller coaster i saw and that was the raptor. I loved it and rode everything i could that whole day besides the top thrill dragster and the millennium force. after i rode everthing i could i went out to eat and then to the hotel. i got up early the next day and went back to cedar point. I played a lot of games that day instead of riding roller coasters. next i went in the haunted houses there and after that i went out to eat and headed on my way home, it was a great halloween.

Friday, October 28, 2011

my grade

I believe that i should have a B in blogging class because I have did almost every post. I try my best to write the full length but sometimes my posts aren't full length. I still believe this is worth a B though. I try my best uin this class just some topics i don't get enough words for.

Thursday, October 27, 2011

15 years for all the money I want.

I would never be imprisoned for 15 years for $2 million dollars. I think that it would be horrible being alone for that long, I would die of boredom seeing no one. I would eventually feel like I was the only person left on Earth. I would miss out on years of college and other events that could be incredible in my life. My life would be lost, I would be antisocial or over social when i get out. I might not ever get a good job because i'd have no education and I could make a dumb mistake and lose all my money. I would have no idea what happened to all my friends, where they are at, and what they did in life. In my opinion missing life, is not worth all the money in the world.

Tuesday, October 25, 2011

favorite thing to do.

My favorite thing to do is play basketball. There is nothing I look forward to more everyday than basketball, I play it almost everyday year round anywhere that I can. I love basketball because it is something that i can always work on and get better at.

Monday, October 24, 2011

other blogs

http://noahiesblog2014-noah.blogspot.com/ I like this topic because I completely agree with it. I love sports and it is an easy topic to write about. It also can help people make new friends.

http://roaringgoose.blogspot.com/?v=0 I like this blog because I get to write about what ever is on my mind at the time.

http://camerongncc.blogspot.com/ I like this post because it makes you think about what you are going to do in the future.

http://tanningandpartying.blogspot.com/ It allows you to state the importance to you on why you should watch the news.

http://eriksblog2014.blogspot.com/ I like this one because it is very debateable and easy to write about.

Friday, October 21, 2011

My topic idea

I would love to be able to pick out a week’s worth of blog posts because I know that I would get all of them done and get a great grade on every single one of the posts. I think that we should have a week where it is our 5 favorites. One day we have to do our 5 favorite foods, why we like them, favorite restaurant to get it, and what country it comes from. The next day we pick our five favorite sports teams, what league they play in, your favorite player on the team, and why you like the team so much. On Wednesday we write about our five favorite places to hang out with friends, general location, what you do there, how you found it, and why you like it so much. Thursday we would write about our 5 favorite sports/activities, what they are, if you do it for the school or just recreation, how often do you do it, is it difficult or easy to learn, and why does it interest you. Friday you would write about the five things you would want to do on a weekend, what you would do, how you would do it, where you'd be at, who would be with you, what is the purpose, and how would you get there. This in my opinion would be a great week's worth of topics and at 150-200 words each. This would be the perfect week of blog posts for me.

Thursday, October 20, 2011

the man in black

In the life of the man in black on caution signs many things occur daily. There are days where he is warning us about slipping on a wet floor, in those warnings he is about to hit the ground but he hasn’t quite hit the ground so he is anticipating the fall. Other times he is warning us about shallow water and to not dive because at that moment he is smashing his head at the bottom of the pool or area where the shallow water is at. Then there are the times he is warning us about something you could trip over and injure yourself and he is showing himself tripping over whatever that object is to warn you on what could possibly happen. There are signs where he says that there is a forklift that could possibly kill you or hurt you if you are not careful enough or pay no attention to your surroundings. Also there are deaf children, blind child, and disabled child signs to signal where someone like that lives so you go by with caution. There are also more serious caution signs like falling ice where ice could drop and kill you or someone around you, construction zones where equipment or moving objects could kill you or potentially harm you if you are not wearing the right protection or far enough out of the way. Every day of the man in black’s life is used to help out the people of the world by warning them of oncoming danger, potential danger, and present danger. He also is used in some signs as entertainment on how one thing can lead to another or be with other men in black to show what could happen with too many people in an area. Other things like humorous visuals are used with the men in black like zombies and other scary things around Halloween, Santa and reindeer during Christmas time, hearts and cupid around Valentine’s Day, leprechauns around St. Patrick’s Day, and pilgrims and Indians around thanksgiving. These are all things that the man in black does often.

Wednesday, October 19, 2011

Tank picture.

This picture is about a man in a protest who is risking his life by putting himself in front of a row of tanks. I believe this takes place in Tiananaman square. This guy is fearless, most people would never imagine standing in front of a person that has a knife, in protest let alone in front of multiple tanks. This guy should have the respect of anyone who has even similar views to him, and the fact that he was never seen again or identity known, people of his nation should have searched for this man because he showed how fearless he was so people of his country should show the same courage, to prevent the issues already existing. If this man was taken away and killed or locked up, then more people should stand up against the wrong doing of their own nation to make a change possible. This man went as far to put himself in front of some military tanks to show that he wanted a change and you would have to kill him before you could change his views.

Tuesday, October 18, 2011

Fire alarms.

I hate hearing fire alarms they are just loud and annoying. I hate it even more if it’s a drill that happens during a test or during a fun class period. The time that I hate it the most is when it is at lunch when I am in the middle of eating or I am getting my food in the lunch line. But today I was fine with it occuring twice in the same period because it made it so that I have less work to do during my 8th period class. But normally I hate the fire alarms.

Monday, October 17, 2011


I personally believe that uniforms is the stupidest idea our school could ever have because nobody is going to want to wear them. Everyone dresses the way they want everyday and that’s how it should always be. It is like taking away our freedom as students if we get uniforms. We now would have one less way to express who we are as individuals, who wants to be like everyone? I always want to be myself, life is harder when you have to be like everyone else, in school now we have dress codes that make it difficult for some people to dress how they do in everyday life. I like to wear shorts a majority of the year and with this uniform thing I would not get to wear shorts to school everyday. I really think that this is a horrible idea and students are not going to want to be told what to wear every single day. Plus who wants to wear the same thing everyday of the week for 36 weeks straight.
If we are given a grant that gives us that much money why in the world would we use it on uniforms? We already are a some what poor school that could spend the money on our education or atletic programs or even to improve the technology of our schools. On top of that we could easily divide up the money to help kids with pay-to-play money and with school fees and lunch money. With the amount of money it would cost to have the uniforms our school could do so much more to benefit the life of a student or improve the way we go through our school days. Thes are my many reasons for why this grant for uniforms will not help our school in any way.

Friday, October 14, 2011


This weekend will start off by going to the football game tonight with some friends. tomorrow I'll get up and go play basketball for about two hours then head to my basketball trainer for training and 3on3 for a couple extra hours. after that I will go home and eat then go to my grandma's to mow the lawn and rake leaves. After that i will have a bonfire and have people stay the night. The next morning I will go to church at 9 a.m. then at 11:30 I'll run the children's church service. Next I'll play basketball with some friends before going to basketball open gym. Last I'll eat then go to bed. That is my weekend.

Tuesday, October 11, 2011

Future !

In ten years I will be an NBA basketball player for the Indiana Pacers. I will be living in Indianapolis Indiana. I got here by training for hours a day freshman through senior year to become an all-Ohio high school basketball player and get a scholarship to go to Cedarville University where I am the leading scorer of their varsity team and win the NCAA D2 MVP and rookie of the year in 2015, I only stay there for one year before transferring to Michigan State University to finish my college basketball career and finish my education. While playing for Michigan State I went through the training camps and played sophomore year and by junior year I was a starter for their varsity team. The next year I was the varsity captain and leading scorer and led the team to the NCAA final four to win the championship. My outstanding senior year got me a spot in the NBA Euro league where I played for 2 years. From there I got an agent to help me get into the NBA draft and training camps where I was noticed as a small forward. I went to the Indiana Pacers training camp and I fit in perfectly, to become a much needed replacement for the retired Danny Granger. The highly anticipated NBA draft day came around and I was drafted 10th in the first round of the draft by the Indiana Pacers, the one team that I wanted to be drafted by the most. This led to the start of my NBA career where I signed a ten year contract with the Pacers and a contract with Reebok for shoes and my own clothing line. This is where I’ll be and what I’ll be doing in around ten years from right now.

Wednesday, October 5, 2011

Start of universe (Scientific side)

Scientists have many cosmic theories on how the universe began and the number one theory is the big bang theory. In the big bang theory, there was one instant moment that started the universe. In this theory there was a huge explosion that started bringing in all the pressure that set off the explosion into one single spot. After the explosion matter was created and started to expand outward which was the start of the universe. The explosion was so hot that all matter had to be spread out to start the cooling, during this time, celestial bodies were formed, like stars, planets, and asteroids. These bodies became groups called galaxies, or solar systems, where a star is in the center of a group planets and holds the most gravitational strength. Other things were created as well, such as black holes, which are infinitely strong holes of gravity that pull everything into it. Belts of asteroids formed which go around certain groups of planets like the one that is in the middle of our solar system.

Tuesday, October 4, 2011

Start of the universe (Christian perspective)

Most Christians agree that God himself created the universe and everything in it. Christians believe that millions of years ago God created the universe in an instant and created humans and all living organisms. To this group God is the creator of all things.

Monday, October 3, 2011

How Earth began.

How the Universe started. One side of the controversy has many people who are in favor of scientific reasoning believe that the big bang or another cosmic event occurred. But the other group which is most Christians and monotheistic religions believe God or Allah or some other form of a creator/god/higher power created Earth and the universe. Most humans want to know why and how the universe started and they want real facts that can be proven, outside of scientific theories that have no proof or religious beliefs that may have been altered through time.

Friday, September 30, 2011

Land of the free

I believe it is more important to treat everyone equal than it is to treat everyone fair for many reasons. Treating everyone equal means they all have the same opportunities and same laws and regulations as the next person no matter race, wealth, religion, or ethnic background. If everyone is equal you could not really complain about life being difficult if you had all the same opportunities and abilities as everyone else. Treating everyone fair means that everyone is going to be treated at least as well as a base starting point, but some people would be treated much better than others and same the other way around. Also treating people fair means that you could be treated horrible but if certain groups are treated that way then you would be allowed to be treated that way for no reason. I think its more important for everyone to be treated equal rather than fair because if everyone is equal no one can complain really or be upset about much of anything. Also if everyone is equal more people will be happier than if they were just treated fair. That is why equality is better than fairness in America.

Thursday, September 29, 2011

September 28th assignment

"We do tests to make teachers look good and the school look good, but we know they don't help us to learn what's important to us." I hate having to learn all the stuff that is going to be on a big standardized test. Most of that information is not going to help me in my life after school. All my effort in school should not be just to make teachers look better than they really are. If I have to work really hard to get A's and B's in school but have no problem getting advanced and accelerated on standardized tests then something should be changed because one shouldn't be hard and the other easy. I don't understand why I am supposed to make the teachers look good when most of them do nothing to help me when I need it or are there for me or other students when they need someone to be there for them. Also we take tests on things that aren't going to help us get to college for what we want especially if everything we do in school is just for the tests and not to get us the knowledge we need to get through college and life after college.

Tuesday, September 27, 2011

What I think about the election.

I personally do not care too much about the election due to the fact that I have no part in what will or might happen in the election because of my age. I just want a fair and just president who does what the country needs about the economy and fix the issues of the devaluing dollar. Also I would prefer for the president to be independent and not 100% towards any specific party but more towards caring about the future of our nation in these uncertain times instead of arguing about plans and war when we can get to a resolution to help all of that without a specific party's bias.

Monday, September 26, 2011

How kids can't play sports.

I really do not understand why any kids would not want to play sports. I would be so bored if I did not have basketball as something to do almost everyday of the year. If I did not have sports my life would suck, so I personally don't know what the kids that aren't athletes do in their free time. If you don't play sports all I could think of doing is sleeping and eating. I wouldn’t be able to just sit around all day doing nothing exciting. Also I would think kids who aren’t into sports would get sick more from not being active and not doing healthy things. Also I don’t understand how someone would want to go through school and not play any sports and be completely fine with that. I think that everyone should play sports because school is too boring if you aren’t in sports.

Friday, September 23, 2011

top 10 moments of my life.

1 When I got my first dog, I always wanted a dog and I was glad to finally get one. 2 When I got my car I as really happy because now all I have to do is get my license. 3 When I got my permit because I was finally able to start driving. 4 When I started working with my basketball trainer because since then I have constantly gotten better. 5 When I won the state championship for karate in 8th grade because I trained for four years. 6 When I quit playing baseball so that I had more time for basketball. 7 When I started high school because it was way better than middle school. 8 When I joined the track team in 8th grade and set the 2nd best 800m time and 3rd highest high jump. 9 When I scored my first two points in a high school basketball game. 10 When I got 1st in a 3on3 tournament.

Thursday, September 22, 2011

Top 10 fictional events.

1 When Sam-I-Am gets the green eggs and ham, because I thought it was really cool. 2 Scooby Doo everytime he eats scooby snacks because he is not afraid of everthing anymore. 3 Spongebob when he gets the job at the Krusty Krab becauseit sets the tone for the whole series. 4 Anakin Skywalker when he turns evil because he becomes Darth Vader. 5 Nemo when he finally meets up with his dad at the end of the movie. 6 The giant dog in the sandlot because it is so big. 7 The Grinch when he stole all the presents. 8 Peter Griffin from family guy when he fought the giant chicken. 9 Simpsons because everyone is yellow. 10 Jimmy Neutron because of his huge head.

Wednesday, September 21, 2011

10 most influential people

1. Bill Gates started up microsoft. 2. George Bush for being the most controversial president ever due to 9/11 and the Iraq war. 3. Oprah Winfrey for being the richest African American. 4. Barack Obama for being the first African American president. 5. Lil Wayne is the highest payed high school dropout in America. 6. Mark Zuckerberg for creating facebook. 7. Steve Jobbs for Apple. 8. Chad Hurley for youtube. 9. Steve Chen for youtube. 10. Jawed Karim for youtube.

Tuesday, September 20, 2011

10 worst ideas

1. Year round school would be horrible because I would hate to not have summer. 2. Me running cross country again because I had no interest in doing it. 3. If our school had smaller lunches, I am already hungry after the lunches we have now. 4. Losing sports at our school, that is the biggest thing I look forward too each school year. 5. Pay to play because I can't play three sports now because its to expensive. 6. Putting me in Native American Studies, the class is pointless and has too many essays. 7. Cursive writing is pointless if I can just write in print. 8. Opera music because it is loud and annoying. 9. Illegal drugs because they harm you and can get you in jail. 10. 3D movies because they give me headaches.

Monday, September 19, 2011


1. The lunch is too small, are portions are the same as what kindergarteners get. 2. Sometimes the food is under cooked and does not look the way it should at all. 3. Occasionally the salad dressings are expired as are the milks. 4. The food smells weird and rarely tastes very good. 5. Lunch does give me plenty of time to talk to friends and just have an easy hour to relax. 6. At lunch i can do any homework that i didn't complete the night before. 7. At lunch i get to use my phone and listen to music. 8. I get to plan what I am doing after school during lunch time. 9. I get to talk to friends that i don't see outside of school. 10. Last the best thing is watching people argue about stupid stuff.

Wednesday, September 14, 2011

Shortened school days

Ohio House of Representatives are debating a bill to prohibit school from starting before Labor Day and ending after Memorial Day. This would shorten the school year bringing a longer summer. But the school days would be longer than usual to make up for time. Many teachers seem to think that this is a bad idea because students forget most of what they learn over summer so shortening the year makes more time for loss of knowledge. Other people believe it will save money by having the school run less days out of the year than what it is now. I think this is a great idea to shorten the school year because summer goes to fast already and once we take the standardized tests we don’t learn much of anything. Also this gives more time for vacation in the summer for families and it gives more opportunity for kids to work in the summer to have extra money. If this happened I would personally like school better even if it is longer school days just because that’s more free time for me to spend in the summer. I really hope this bill is passed before I graduate high school.

Tuesday, September 13, 2011

New TV show

I think that we need to have a TV show about the life of professional athletes and how they made it to the pros. I think it would be really interesting to see what the pros did to make it where they are at now. Also it would help people my age who are aspiring to be pro or collegiate athletes by showing them what it takes to make it there. I would like this to be a show because anything that has to do with sports is interesting to me and I like documentaries on professional athletes. If this show was made it would become a very popular show for teenagers, their parents, and coaches. I know for sure high school athletes all over the nation would watch this show and be inspired by it and make them want to play and practice harder after seeing how the pros made it. This show needs to come out sometime in the near future.

Friday, September 9, 2011

Indian Pacers Basketball.

I can't wait until the Pacers season starts, their small forward Danny Granger is my favorite basketball player and I believe they have a good chance of making it far into the playoffs this year. Last year they lost in the first round of the playoffs, but now that they have some playoff experience I see them making it to the conference finals and maybe the NBA finals. I plan on going to at least one of their regular season games this year. The Pacers are a very under rated team that can make it far and have a winning season.

Thursday, September 8, 2011

2nd least favorite thing!

My second least favorite thing is Native American Studies, the class is so hard and we have to write a bunch of essays. I hate writing essays and this class forces me to do this if i want a good grade. On top of that I did not sign up for the class and i did not want to be in it either. I hate reading long papers about a subject i do not even care about and it is worse once I have to write an essay on it or have a group discussion about the reading. I hate listening to stories about unknown civilizations and then having homework on it. The class will never help me with anything in life so I hate that part. That is why Native American Studies is my least favorite class and second least favorite thing overall.

Tuesday, September 6, 2011

Danny Granger


This blog is about an NBA player named Danny Granger. He is a small forward for the Indiana Pacers. The blog talks about Danny Granger's camps and summer training as well as his past seasons success and failure. It shows pictures and videos of his games and different things he has done in the off seasons. Also it gives Danny Granger's thoughts on specific games and on the season as a whole.

Friday, September 2, 2011


School is part of my everyday life. I really don't like going to school because it takes up the time I could be doing something fun or exciting. I would much rather go swimming, play basketball, and hang with friends everyday instead. School makes me tired and makes it harder for me to do anything fun in the day. The only good parts about school are sports and seeing friends everyday. Sometimes I have a fun class like Physical Education and then lunch is always fun. A lot of great things happen every year but also bad things happen as well. Everyone has some friends and thats who they hangout with.

Wednesday, August 31, 2011


Basketball interests me because it is something you can always get better at. I have played it since I was 6 years old and it has been my favorite sport ever since. I play basketball almost everday and I can not wait for basketball season to start up again. I worked all summer to get a lot better than I was during the freshman season. Basketball intrests me because it is a fast paced game of skill, endurance, and will to win. Also I like the game because there are always new things you can learn to do to improve your game. In the summer I train on average eightteen hours a week in the summer outside of pickup games and playing with friends.When school starts I play basketball for a few hours after the school day almost everyday and then I train on the weekends.
I love to watch NBA games on t.v. and in person. I have went to about ten professional basketball games and a few college games as well. I hope to play basketball in college after I graduate high school. I want to play for a Division 2 Christian college like Malone University or Cedarville University. If I don’t do that I would like to become a college sports physician for a Division 1 basketball team or a professional team someday.

Tuesday, August 30, 2011

Cursive out of the curriculum


It was removed to make it easier for kids to learn how to type on computers.

I believe this is a good idea it is easier to read print than cursive. Also learning how to write it is like learning a foreign language its all different.

Monday, August 29, 2011

This was the 10th billion dollar storm of 2011. New York City is finally getting back to normal life after Irene. This storm has caused great tragedy.

Obama said that federal agencies will work to clean up the aftermath of Irene. Obama signed an emergency declaration for Vermont.

At least 32 people died in the storm. People died by drowning and trees falling.

Irene was comparabele in damage to Katrina. Irene was 1.5 times larger than Katrina.

This storm will test difficult for the military to help out with. Many commanders were given jobs to lead the help.

Wednesday, August 24, 2011

School has just started back up and I am not glad about it. I was having a great summer and then one day I woke up and was like darn I got school tomorrow. I show up to school thinking school was gonna be real easy. Well it is for the most part but Native American Studies is super hard and we have to do a lot of writing and I am horrible at it. We have a bunch of essays this year and other projects.
I am not looking forward to most of this years classes. My schedule is kind of easy but I have my two hardest classes before lunch which I do not like. Spanish is very difficult for me and I have a hard time grasping a new language. I am horrible at writing which makes Native American studies harder.
I am looking forward to the second semester so that I have gym class. I want gym class so that I can do something active everyday while I’m in school. Also I want basketball season to come since I’m not playing a fall sport and I love the game of basketball. I hope to start JV and play some varsity.