Wednesday, December 14, 2011

controversy of homosexuality extra credit

There are always people who are all for gay rights and other people cant stand hearing about gay people. People who are for gay rights are typically gay or female, but me personally I think gay people should have the same rights as everyone as long as they are acting the same way in public as the non gay part of the nation. If people want to be gay then they should be allowed too, I think it is kind of gross in my opinion because guy with guy is weird because all I have ever known is heterosexuality. I really don't care if someone is gay as long as they aren't being outwardly homosexual around me. It doesn't bother me in anyway if they aren't being homosexual towards me.

On the other side some people are born into an anti-gay family where it is horribly wrong to be gay. Some people hate gay people so much and that's how fighting and wars start is over hating someone because they are different. Then there is the people who hate gays so much that they even kill or injure them.

Then on the Gay people side, they want to be just like everyone else, they want to marry who they want, date who they want, go where they want, and do what ever they want without fear of being made fun of or hurt or killed.

This is a little bit of the gay controversy.

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