Tuesday, December 13, 2011

Basketball game 2!

Tonight my team will be playing in the second game of the season. We lost our first game last week, so I hope we win tonight. As a team we have the ability to win every game we just have to play smarter and better together. Tonight I see us getting an easy win as long as we play together as a team and don't do a lot of stupid single person possessions. Northridge is not an amazing team so we should be able to beat them as long as we don't force things and take what we get. We need to keep our heads in the game because me personally got extremely mad during the last game and forced stupid shots. Last year we lost to this same team because we tried to do things by ourselves instead of as a team. I love basketball and I will put every bit of effort I can into getting us a win and I know a few other players will do the same.

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