Monday, October 17, 2011


I personally believe that uniforms is the stupidest idea our school could ever have because nobody is going to want to wear them. Everyone dresses the way they want everyday and that’s how it should always be. It is like taking away our freedom as students if we get uniforms. We now would have one less way to express who we are as individuals, who wants to be like everyone? I always want to be myself, life is harder when you have to be like everyone else, in school now we have dress codes that make it difficult for some people to dress how they do in everyday life. I like to wear shorts a majority of the year and with this uniform thing I would not get to wear shorts to school everyday. I really think that this is a horrible idea and students are not going to want to be told what to wear every single day. Plus who wants to wear the same thing everyday of the week for 36 weeks straight.
If we are given a grant that gives us that much money why in the world would we use it on uniforms? We already are a some what poor school that could spend the money on our education or atletic programs or even to improve the technology of our schools. On top of that we could easily divide up the money to help kids with pay-to-play money and with school fees and lunch money. With the amount of money it would cost to have the uniforms our school could do so much more to benefit the life of a student or improve the way we go through our school days. Thes are my many reasons for why this grant for uniforms will not help our school in any way.

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