Friday, October 21, 2011

My topic idea

I would love to be able to pick out a week’s worth of blog posts because I know that I would get all of them done and get a great grade on every single one of the posts. I think that we should have a week where it is our 5 favorites. One day we have to do our 5 favorite foods, why we like them, favorite restaurant to get it, and what country it comes from. The next day we pick our five favorite sports teams, what league they play in, your favorite player on the team, and why you like the team so much. On Wednesday we write about our five favorite places to hang out with friends, general location, what you do there, how you found it, and why you like it so much. Thursday we would write about our 5 favorite sports/activities, what they are, if you do it for the school or just recreation, how often do you do it, is it difficult or easy to learn, and why does it interest you. Friday you would write about the five things you would want to do on a weekend, what you would do, how you would do it, where you'd be at, who would be with you, what is the purpose, and how would you get there. This in my opinion would be a great week's worth of topics and at 150-200 words each. This would be the perfect week of blog posts for me.

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