Friday, September 30, 2011

Land of the free

I believe it is more important to treat everyone equal than it is to treat everyone fair for many reasons. Treating everyone equal means they all have the same opportunities and same laws and regulations as the next person no matter race, wealth, religion, or ethnic background. If everyone is equal you could not really complain about life being difficult if you had all the same opportunities and abilities as everyone else. Treating everyone fair means that everyone is going to be treated at least as well as a base starting point, but some people would be treated much better than others and same the other way around. Also treating people fair means that you could be treated horrible but if certain groups are treated that way then you would be allowed to be treated that way for no reason. I think its more important for everyone to be treated equal rather than fair because if everyone is equal no one can complain really or be upset about much of anything. Also if everyone is equal more people will be happier than if they were just treated fair. That is why equality is better than fairness in America.

Thursday, September 29, 2011

September 28th assignment

"We do tests to make teachers look good and the school look good, but we know they don't help us to learn what's important to us." I hate having to learn all the stuff that is going to be on a big standardized test. Most of that information is not going to help me in my life after school. All my effort in school should not be just to make teachers look better than they really are. If I have to work really hard to get A's and B's in school but have no problem getting advanced and accelerated on standardized tests then something should be changed because one shouldn't be hard and the other easy. I don't understand why I am supposed to make the teachers look good when most of them do nothing to help me when I need it or are there for me or other students when they need someone to be there for them. Also we take tests on things that aren't going to help us get to college for what we want especially if everything we do in school is just for the tests and not to get us the knowledge we need to get through college and life after college.

Tuesday, September 27, 2011

What I think about the election.

I personally do not care too much about the election due to the fact that I have no part in what will or might happen in the election because of my age. I just want a fair and just president who does what the country needs about the economy and fix the issues of the devaluing dollar. Also I would prefer for the president to be independent and not 100% towards any specific party but more towards caring about the future of our nation in these uncertain times instead of arguing about plans and war when we can get to a resolution to help all of that without a specific party's bias.

Monday, September 26, 2011

How kids can't play sports.

I really do not understand why any kids would not want to play sports. I would be so bored if I did not have basketball as something to do almost everyday of the year. If I did not have sports my life would suck, so I personally don't know what the kids that aren't athletes do in their free time. If you don't play sports all I could think of doing is sleeping and eating. I wouldn’t be able to just sit around all day doing nothing exciting. Also I would think kids who aren’t into sports would get sick more from not being active and not doing healthy things. Also I don’t understand how someone would want to go through school and not play any sports and be completely fine with that. I think that everyone should play sports because school is too boring if you aren’t in sports.

Friday, September 23, 2011

top 10 moments of my life.

1 When I got my first dog, I always wanted a dog and I was glad to finally get one. 2 When I got my car I as really happy because now all I have to do is get my license. 3 When I got my permit because I was finally able to start driving. 4 When I started working with my basketball trainer because since then I have constantly gotten better. 5 When I won the state championship for karate in 8th grade because I trained for four years. 6 When I quit playing baseball so that I had more time for basketball. 7 When I started high school because it was way better than middle school. 8 When I joined the track team in 8th grade and set the 2nd best 800m time and 3rd highest high jump. 9 When I scored my first two points in a high school basketball game. 10 When I got 1st in a 3on3 tournament.

Thursday, September 22, 2011

Top 10 fictional events.

1 When Sam-I-Am gets the green eggs and ham, because I thought it was really cool. 2 Scooby Doo everytime he eats scooby snacks because he is not afraid of everthing anymore. 3 Spongebob when he gets the job at the Krusty Krab becauseit sets the tone for the whole series. 4 Anakin Skywalker when he turns evil because he becomes Darth Vader. 5 Nemo when he finally meets up with his dad at the end of the movie. 6 The giant dog in the sandlot because it is so big. 7 The Grinch when he stole all the presents. 8 Peter Griffin from family guy when he fought the giant chicken. 9 Simpsons because everyone is yellow. 10 Jimmy Neutron because of his huge head.

Wednesday, September 21, 2011

10 most influential people

1. Bill Gates started up microsoft. 2. George Bush for being the most controversial president ever due to 9/11 and the Iraq war. 3. Oprah Winfrey for being the richest African American. 4. Barack Obama for being the first African American president. 5. Lil Wayne is the highest payed high school dropout in America. 6. Mark Zuckerberg for creating facebook. 7. Steve Jobbs for Apple. 8. Chad Hurley for youtube. 9. Steve Chen for youtube. 10. Jawed Karim for youtube.

Tuesday, September 20, 2011

10 worst ideas

1. Year round school would be horrible because I would hate to not have summer. 2. Me running cross country again because I had no interest in doing it. 3. If our school had smaller lunches, I am already hungry after the lunches we have now. 4. Losing sports at our school, that is the biggest thing I look forward too each school year. 5. Pay to play because I can't play three sports now because its to expensive. 6. Putting me in Native American Studies, the class is pointless and has too many essays. 7. Cursive writing is pointless if I can just write in print. 8. Opera music because it is loud and annoying. 9. Illegal drugs because they harm you and can get you in jail. 10. 3D movies because they give me headaches.

Monday, September 19, 2011


1. The lunch is too small, are portions are the same as what kindergarteners get. 2. Sometimes the food is under cooked and does not look the way it should at all. 3. Occasionally the salad dressings are expired as are the milks. 4. The food smells weird and rarely tastes very good. 5. Lunch does give me plenty of time to talk to friends and just have an easy hour to relax. 6. At lunch i can do any homework that i didn't complete the night before. 7. At lunch i get to use my phone and listen to music. 8. I get to plan what I am doing after school during lunch time. 9. I get to talk to friends that i don't see outside of school. 10. Last the best thing is watching people argue about stupid stuff.

Wednesday, September 14, 2011

Shortened school days

Ohio House of Representatives are debating a bill to prohibit school from starting before Labor Day and ending after Memorial Day. This would shorten the school year bringing a longer summer. But the school days would be longer than usual to make up for time. Many teachers seem to think that this is a bad idea because students forget most of what they learn over summer so shortening the year makes more time for loss of knowledge. Other people believe it will save money by having the school run less days out of the year than what it is now. I think this is a great idea to shorten the school year because summer goes to fast already and once we take the standardized tests we don’t learn much of anything. Also this gives more time for vacation in the summer for families and it gives more opportunity for kids to work in the summer to have extra money. If this happened I would personally like school better even if it is longer school days just because that’s more free time for me to spend in the summer. I really hope this bill is passed before I graduate high school.

Tuesday, September 13, 2011

New TV show

I think that we need to have a TV show about the life of professional athletes and how they made it to the pros. I think it would be really interesting to see what the pros did to make it where they are at now. Also it would help people my age who are aspiring to be pro or collegiate athletes by showing them what it takes to make it there. I would like this to be a show because anything that has to do with sports is interesting to me and I like documentaries on professional athletes. If this show was made it would become a very popular show for teenagers, their parents, and coaches. I know for sure high school athletes all over the nation would watch this show and be inspired by it and make them want to play and practice harder after seeing how the pros made it. This show needs to come out sometime in the near future.

Friday, September 9, 2011

Indian Pacers Basketball.

I can't wait until the Pacers season starts, their small forward Danny Granger is my favorite basketball player and I believe they have a good chance of making it far into the playoffs this year. Last year they lost in the first round of the playoffs, but now that they have some playoff experience I see them making it to the conference finals and maybe the NBA finals. I plan on going to at least one of their regular season games this year. The Pacers are a very under rated team that can make it far and have a winning season.

Thursday, September 8, 2011

2nd least favorite thing!

My second least favorite thing is Native American Studies, the class is so hard and we have to write a bunch of essays. I hate writing essays and this class forces me to do this if i want a good grade. On top of that I did not sign up for the class and i did not want to be in it either. I hate reading long papers about a subject i do not even care about and it is worse once I have to write an essay on it or have a group discussion about the reading. I hate listening to stories about unknown civilizations and then having homework on it. The class will never help me with anything in life so I hate that part. That is why Native American Studies is my least favorite class and second least favorite thing overall.

Tuesday, September 6, 2011

Danny Granger

This blog is about an NBA player named Danny Granger. He is a small forward for the Indiana Pacers. The blog talks about Danny Granger's camps and summer training as well as his past seasons success and failure. It shows pictures and videos of his games and different things he has done in the off seasons. Also it gives Danny Granger's thoughts on specific games and on the season as a whole.

Friday, September 2, 2011


School is part of my everyday life. I really don't like going to school because it takes up the time I could be doing something fun or exciting. I would much rather go swimming, play basketball, and hang with friends everyday instead. School makes me tired and makes it harder for me to do anything fun in the day. The only good parts about school are sports and seeing friends everyday. Sometimes I have a fun class like Physical Education and then lunch is always fun. A lot of great things happen every year but also bad things happen as well. Everyone has some friends and thats who they hangout with.