Wednesday, January 11, 2012

Final Project

My video is about my favorite NBA player. This video shows many highlights from Danny Granger’s professional career thus far. Danny Granger plays for the Indiana Pacers as a small forward. Most of the highlights from this video are showing his outstanding scoring ability. This video is pretty sweet, and any basketball fan should like it.

This video is all about showing Danny Granger’s offensive success so far in his pro career. Most of the highlights of this video occurred last basketball season, where Danny Granger had an amazing season for the Pacers. He makes a bunch of three point shots as well as a game winning shot against the Phoenix Suns at the end of the video. Danny Granger’s offensive versatility is oftn shown in this clip. During this video you can see how important the fundamentals of the game really are by the way that he uses them.

This video matters to me because when I really started to focus on basketball I wasn’t very good in most people’s opinion often overlooked just as Danny Granger is. He is a great under rated player, which is what I believe I am. I like this video a lot because Danny Granger is my favorite player, and he is where I got my shooting form from. I saw him shoot when I went to a Cleveland Cavaliers vs. Indiana Pacers game a few years ago, and decided I wanted my jump shot to look like his and in my opinion it now does. Also he is not an extrmely athletic basketball player nor the biggest or strongest in his position, which is a similar situation to my own.

This video makes me want to play basketball everytime I watch it. This video in specific has very little affect on my life, but the player in it has made me want to work much harder at basketball and made me realize how important the fundamentals are to the game. Danny Granger has made me realize you don’t have to be the biggest,strongest, or most athletic player on the floor to make something great happen. The biggest affect that I have had from Danny Granger is that I train harder and work to be the very best that I can be with the natural ability that I already have. He inspired me to work hard for what I want and to not let anything get in the way of my dreams.

This video matters to me because it inspired me to work hard for what I want and to not give up. It makes me want to work hard because of the success another person had from hard work. Danny Granger is an amazing basketball player that worked really hard for his dreams and as far as I can tell his work ethic was great and helped him reach his dreams.He helped me have good shooting form just by being a great player that I look up too. My video has had many affects on my life that have shaped the way my life is today.

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