Tuesday, December 20, 2011

My day after school

After school today I and some friends are going to Subway. I will probably get two subs one with chicken lettuce cheese and mayo, and the other with steak and cheese. I will get a bag of chips and a cookie along with a drink, probably coke. After that I will go put some gas in my car because I am running low on fuel. Next I will drop some of my friends off at school, while me and my friend Drew will go to my basketball trainer and shoot around for a little while. We will probably do some kind of shooting drill or ball handling drill to get us warmed up for our rivalry game tonight at 6 pm. Once we are done shooting, we will head back to the school to get ready to leave on the bus to the other school. WE will sit together on the bus and listen to some music like we always do before away games. Once we get to the game we will go to the locker room and get dressed. After that we will stretch then head out to do our pregame warm-ups. We will do layups and jump shots on the left and right side and then do a 3-2 drill before heading to the locker rooms. Once we go to the locker room the coach will talk to us about the game, then we will head back out onto the court and warm up a little more before game time.

My day so far

Today I accidently slept in an extra 30 minutes so I was rushing to get ready after I woke up. I was super tired and could not get motivated, and then I ate like 3 bowls of cereal and had some orange juice which had me ready for the day. I took a shower and got myself ready for school. I went outside and started my car and left to pick up my friend Beau and I dropped him off at school before I went to school. As soon as I got to school I sat down with my friends Noah, Drew, Matt, and Hayden. I got some breakfast at school and a Capri-sun. Next I walked up stairs to my locker and got all my stuff in my locker so that I could go to Geometry class. When I got there I remembered that I had a test. Luckily I was prepared for this test and I feel that I did pretty well on it. Next period I had Spanish and we learned about what Christmas and New Years are like in Peru. After that I went to world lit which has been interesting the last few days. We have been reading parts of Dante’s Inferno which I find really interesting and good to read. 4th period I had to go to my least favorite class of the day Native American studies. My group and I had to do a huge timeline in class. 5th period I went to U.S. studies and was bored to death. 6th Pd I had lunch and just hung out and talked. 7th Pd I took a hard test in biology but I feel I did well on it. Now I am in 8th period writing this blog.

Monday, December 19, 2011

Gym Class

I think the most important class in school is gym class. In school we are barely ever active and gym class is sometimes the only time kids can be active. Gym class can help with coordination, athleticism, and team-building.
One thing I can’t stand is super uncoordinated people on sports teams. Gym class starting at a young age can build more and more coordination that will help create better high school athletes as well as better, more coordinated teams. Uncoordinated athletes will be more likely to get injured or force us to lose a game that we could have won with better coordination. I was very uncoordinated for a long time and playing different sports in gym class helped me become better coordinated.
Athleticism is probably the best thing that can come from gym class. In gym class if you are always running, jumping, and just being active, your athleticism is going to rise. If you are planning on being a basketball player, playing basketball in gym will help you grasp the game, get more athletic, and increase your skill depending on how hard you play and work.
Gym class helps with team building by making you play sports as a team everyday and learn to work well together with new people. This will help when kids get into Highschool and play on sports teams. Also this will help you work well with people outside of school.
These are my reasons that gym class is the most important class in the whole school system because it helps so many things.

Wednesday, December 14, 2011

controversy of homosexuality extra credit

There are always people who are all for gay rights and other people cant stand hearing about gay people. People who are for gay rights are typically gay or female, but me personally I think gay people should have the same rights as everyone as long as they are acting the same way in public as the non gay part of the nation. If people want to be gay then they should be allowed too, I think it is kind of gross in my opinion because guy with guy is weird because all I have ever known is heterosexuality. I really don't care if someone is gay as long as they aren't being outwardly homosexual around me. It doesn't bother me in anyway if they aren't being homosexual towards me.

On the other side some people are born into an anti-gay family where it is horribly wrong to be gay. Some people hate gay people so much and that's how fighting and wars start is over hating someone because they are different. Then there is the people who hate gays so much that they even kill or injure them.

Then on the Gay people side, they want to be just like everyone else, they want to marry who they want, date who they want, go where they want, and do what ever they want without fear of being made fun of or hurt or killed.

This is a little bit of the gay controversy.

Tuesday, December 13, 2011

Basketball game 2!

Tonight my team will be playing in the second game of the season. We lost our first game last week, so I hope we win tonight. As a team we have the ability to win every game we just have to play smarter and better together. Tonight I see us getting an easy win as long as we play together as a team and don't do a lot of stupid single person possessions. Northridge is not an amazing team so we should be able to beat them as long as we don't force things and take what we get. We need to keep our heads in the game because me personally got extremely mad during the last game and forced stupid shots. Last year we lost to this same team because we tried to do things by ourselves instead of as a team. I love basketball and I will put every bit of effort I can into getting us a win and I know a few other players will do the same.

Friday, December 9, 2011

First game tonight

I am so pumped about tonight's game because last year I barely ever got playing time, and I worked my butt off all summer and now I am a starter for JV. In our preview last week I scored 13 points, so I feel I am ready for tonight's game. My whole life is surrounded by basketball and nothing makes me happier, tonight is one of those things I live for. I plan on doing everything I can to get the team the win tonight, I will give it my all from start to finish and play as if it is my last game. I am ready to score at least 10 points and get as many assists and rebounds as I can. I trained all off season for tonight. Game time let's go team!

Wednesday, December 7, 2011

Rap Music

I like rap music and i hate when older people say that it sucks. People always talk about the music they like and don't like and rap seems to be the most controversial. Rap is usually made by gangsters and thugs, but they have interesting life stories that they rap about. Other rappers make songs that are just good to listen to when you are about to go play in basketball game or do anything else fun or athletic. I think everyone should have the choice to listen to whatever music they want. I hate when people like my dad get mad about what I listen too, just because a song talks about something illegal does not mean I am going to do it. A lot of other music genre's talk about way worse things then rap, but rap is always looked down upon because of the culture around it and how drugs and violence always seem to surround rappers. At least rappers are doing something with their life and not living on the streets or murdering and raping people. You hear more talk about how bad rap is than you do rapists and murderers.

Friday, December 2, 2011

My weekend.

This weekend will start off with basketball practice, then I will go home and eat alot of food. I will go to bed then wake up and go to practice. After that I will go to my basketball trainer, and to Johnstown's girls basketball game before heading to my grandma's house for her birthday. After that I will go home then to sleep. Last on Sunday I will go to work and then too youth group. before eating dinner and going to bed.

Thursday, December 1, 2011

Getting my license.

I should be getting my license tonight, I am so excited because now that I'll have my license, and have more freedom. I get to drive to school, work, and wherever else i want. This will be great to have my license.