Wednesday, November 30, 2011

Sleeping at school.

People fall asleep at school because it is boring, most of school is boring except lunch. At lunch you can eat and talk to friends the whole time. That is pretty much why we sleep at school.

Tuesday, November 29, 2011

Black Friday Shopping

Over break I went Black Friday shopping with my mom, her friend Melissa, my friends Cole, Emily, and Mel. We left at 7 pm to go to toys are us and wait until 10 to get in. We waited in line outside for about an hour until they started letting people in the store. By the that point I was ready to get my shopping started I ran in and got call of duty and Cole got madden. We waited in line to checkout for almost an hour. Once we were done there we went to Mcdonalds to grab a snack. Then we went to Kohl's and I got some clothes and a new razor. After that we went to Mcdonalds again to get some drinks and snacks. We went to my cousins around 2 am until 4 am before we went to the mall, where I got some new shorts and socks. After that we went to TJ Maxx where i bought headphones, socks, a shirt, and compression shorts. The last thing we did was go to Bob Evans for an amazing breakfast.

Tuesday, November 22, 2011

Tonights scrimmage

Tonight we have like a 2 hour bus ride to a school that we are playing. GHopefully the school is not that good because I don't want a long bus ride home from a loss. I think we can easily win if we play hard and don't give up. We have a good team and we play great together when we all have our heads in the game. Tonight should be a good scrimmage!

Monday, November 21, 2011

Sports training class.

Our school should have a sports training class where we would be able to get better at the individual sport of our choice. This class would help improve all of our sports teams because the kids that are really interested in a sport can put in individual time towards the aspects of their game they want to improve. I would do basketball training and spend most of the time on ball handling because that seems to be the worst part of my offensive game. Then for other kids like baseball players, could work on batting or pitching while football players can work on hitting and catching. All in al this class would help our schools athletics.

Thursday, November 17, 2011


Basketball is one of the most important things in my life, almost all of my free time is consumed by something that has to do with basketball. The game of basketball is so different than any other sport because there are so many things that you can do to get the ball into the hoop. It is one of the worlds most popular sports and the NBA has some of the worlds top athletes. I love basketball because it is non stop hard work and excitement. In my opinion basketball is one of the hardest sports because it takes so much practice to get good at every aspect of the game, most players never master a single aspect of the game. There are so many things that are happening every second of a basketball game that you are making split second decisions without even realizing that you are. You decide if you are going to shoot, pass, or dribble without realizing that you even thought about it, you just react to what you see.
On offense there are many thuings you have to be able to do. In basketball you have to learn plays so that you can score in a half court set up. You have to know ways to score in transition and when you need to pull the ball back out on top. You have to be able to throw good passes and see when you should throw a pass. You have to be able to drive the ball to the basket strong and score or get fouled which leads to foul shots. You have to be able to make foul shots, they are usually what wins games. Next you have to be able to shoot and score. There are many ways to score, you can score by making lay ups, dunks, jumpshots, runners, floaters, three point shots, and foul shots.
I love offense because I love the feeling of making a shot when a defender is playing some tight defense. Also it is fun to try new ways to get to the basket and score that I haven’t done before. I like it when I out score my defender or just flat out, outplay him the whole game. It is a great feeling when you are the leading scorer even in just a pickup game. Basketball, personally is the best sport ever created in my opinion.

Thursday, November 10, 2011


I really don't like school, it is so boring and I feel overwhelmed with work all the time then I don't get it all done. My grades would be way better if we had shorter class periods and I did not get put in classes that I don't want to be in. I hate not being able to pick out all my classes and then having homework all the time. I don't even have a study hall, study hall always helped me get all my work done but now my grades are lower because I have way less free time to do homework and get to bed at a decent time.

Tuesday, November 8, 2011

Some of my friends.

Today I am writing about some of my best friends Noah, Cole, Cameron, and Drew.
Noah and I have been friends for many years, we met in 5th grade when he moved to my school. He loves to play sports especially soccer and wrestling but he plays basketball with me a lot in the summer. He is great at soccer and so far is a two year letterman as a sophomore. He works very hard at the sports he plays. He is a great all around friend and is always willing to help someone if they need it. I can trust him with almost everything and he is just fun to be around.
Cole is probably my best friend and we have been friends since 4th grade. He knows just about everything about me, and has been there for me through everything. We hang out all the time and we got eachother’s backs in every possible situation. He runs cross country and wrestles. We play basketball a lot in the summer and do lots od other stupid stuff but we always have fun.
Cameron and I have been friends since I was in 7th grade, we met during basketball season, we aren’t real close friends but we both like basketball and he is pretty cool.
Drew and I becam friends last year when he moved back to my school as a freshman, he pl;ays baseball and basketball. Me and Drew are on the jv basketball team and love to play basketball. We haven’t really hung out much outside of school but now that we are on the same basketball team we will hang out a lot more. I am taking him to the mall in a few weeks so we can get shoes for the basketball season.

Friday, November 4, 2011

My friend Noah.

So my friend Noah was with me, going to my birthday party and we were listening to some music and a remix came on, Noah was like "Bobby loves remixes" and I said "you are dumb it's better than the original." Then Noah said he listens to Johnny Cash so I made fun of him about that because who listens to Johnny Cash anymore? No one does except Noah because he is lame. He tried to make fun of me all day but I was like your dumb bro you jam to Johnny Cash. But after that we had a pretty good day we went to Cici's pizza and then the mall, to get girls but Noah of course couldn't get any girls because he just attracts guys. So we left and went to the devil dog football game and then to my house for a bonfire with a bunch of friends, it was really cold so we went inside. So as a whole we had a good day .

Wednesday, November 2, 2011

NBA Lockout.

I think the NBA lockout is ridiculous, people want to see the NBA games, no one wants to miss out on the whole season. The NBA players should just take the 50/50 deal because they are going to lose more money if they don't play at all. The NBPA needs to be less narrow minded because they are stopping players from playing and fans from watching. If there is not an NBA season then people are not going to want to buy any NBA merchandise of any kind. I want the NBA lockout to end so I can go to some games and see how well the Indiana Pacers do this year.

Tuesday, November 1, 2011

Blogging class.

I like that blogging class is a good class but it is boring for me to write about a topic for 250 words or more i would love to have like 100 word posts on fridays that would be great. Blogging class is usually a fun class because we get a lot of freedom. I enjoy most of the class, but I can't stand long posts. It is really hard me to think of topics that I can write about that are 100% school appropriate.